Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Women's Media Center Has a Hidden Agenda

Jehmu Greene and the Women's Media Center are the most insensitive, anti-Christian, rude people I have seen in a very long time. I am appalled that they want all Christian rights taken away in the U.S., a country founded on freedom and Christian principles.

They are a so-called progressive, secular, movement who wants to stamp out everyone's rights but theirs.

They are behind the NCAA decision to pull a Focus on the Family innocent ad, claiming that college athletes find the ad objectionable. What? What is there in the ad on the right that any human being would find objectionable?

The truth is, the Women's Media Center simply hates Focus on the Family and anyone else that believes that killing babies is wrong. May God have mercy on their souls. I don't know who I detest more -- the Women's Media Center or the NCAA for caving in to them.

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