Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Call to Christian Conscience

In a 4,700 word treatise they have entitled, the Manhattan Declaration - a manifesto citing scripture and signed by some 148 Orthodox, Catholic and evangelical leaders, a warning of Civil Disobedience has been sounded.

The document, released in a Washington, DC press conference, is what conservative religious leaders say is a "line drawn in the sand" across three key issues they decree are non-negotiable despite the law:

1. the sanctity of human life (against abortion),

2. the institution of marriage as being between a man and woman (against gay marriage and gay teachings in schools), and

3. religious freedom (against political correctness).

Click A Call to Christian Conscience to read the manifesto.

1 comment:

Attack of the Killer Blog... said...

Thank you for the post. I'm sharing this on my blog as well.