Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Leading Your Family

It is easy to think that if you provide your family with food, clothing, and shelter, we are leading our family successfully. The problem with this is that God already promises this to each of us in His Word. So, if God takes care of this, what is left?

Leading our family requires that we:

  • Help each family member discover and become more like Christ
  • Love (verb) them by serving them (action)
  • Help each family member lead themselves and others
  • Correct foolish behavior
  • Pick up your family when they are feeling down
Sound like a lot? You bet! The beautiful thing is that God brings the husband and wife, two separate people, into one-ness with Him. Each spouse has a God-given role within the marriage, just as each person of the Trinity has a role within the Godhead. Each spouse has a role in the raising of children. And, each spouse has a role in caring for each other’s parents as they grow older.

Family requires leadership. It requires time. It requires being God-focused. It requires love in action.

[from Agile Ministry by James Higginbotham]

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