Friday, August 29, 2008

September 11 - Cry Out America

Mark Your Calendar NOW!

Noon at your County Courthouse.

September 11, 2008

FAST YOUR LUNCH -- Unite with other Christians at your county courthouse -- Pray publicly for a new Christ Awakening in our generation -- Be a part of Cry Out America!

OUR NATION is at a defining moment. Once in a generation a people arrives at a crossroads of decision, a fork demanding a choice. Sometimes the nature of that choice determines the future for their children; but at other times nothing less than the very life of that people is at stake. We are at just such a crossroads of the second kind. For the last 40 plus years our nation has increasingly drifted lazily toward the falls of godless postmodern values, rejecting God's standards in favor of a reinterpreted subjective morality. Soon we will reach the precipice of no return unless we act quickly. On one level the events of 9/11/01 awakened us to the threat of radical Islamic fundamentalism, but the greater threat confronting us is our departure from God. Therefore on 9/11/08 the American church is issuing a new spiritual wake up call to our nation. Cry Out America is a response to Joel’s 2600 year old prescription for revival. On Thursday, September 11, 2008 we will return to the Lord as we: "Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly ... and cry out to the Lord." Joel 1:14.

Get involved now and join us in your county!


Awakening America Alliance brings Christians Together in United Prayer Across
All 50 States on Historic Day in America.

The Alliance is mobilizing Christians to participate in CRY OUT AMERICA in all 3,141 counties in the nation and endeavors to have a COA county coordinator in place at each courthouse to facilitate this time of prayer for their community, friends and family, and for the spiritual condition of our nation.

Read More from our latest press release.

Go Online to find out information on your County's Coordinator and join in the prayer gathering.

It will re-air on September 11th! Look for times soon!

CRY OUT AMERICA will host a special evening service in New York City on the eve of September 11th. This evening program will include a line-up of extraordinary Christian leaders and 9/11 first responders and will be aired on God TV to over 400 million people internationally. It will also have elements of worship from top Christian artists and concentrated prayer for the heart condition of the nation, repentance and revival.

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