Monday, January 5, 2009

Keep Your Church Vibrant

Place a premium on children's ministry. When I say premium I mean top dollars, top staff and top energy to the kids. Without this you are absolutely capping your ability to reach your community.

You don't have to be experts on children's ministry. There are dozens of outstanding resources available to you today. You need not be paralyzed because you don't know what to do or how to do it. There are people who have paved the way for you and are more than happy to help you resource your ministry. Your job is to find people in your church who love kids and offer them a compelling vision so they will help you create an environment that kids love and can't wait to be part of.

Please don't confuse relevant ministry to children with childcare. They aren't the same. In order to reach kids you need to keep up with the world they live in. That world is fast-paced and built around technology. When you add to that mix loving adult leaders who truly care about the kids, you create a winning program that the kids will love.

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