Monday, August 4, 2008

Leadership Lessons Learned

The following represents collective pastoral experience.

1. The “God-Thing” Comes Before The Vision
Most leaders make the mistake of thinking that change starts with their vision; change starts with a “God-thing”. It is the leaders’ job to identify where God is at work and to communicate the vision of what God is doing and how we must get involved in His work.

2. Money Always Follows Vision
People give money to a compelling cause with a clear vision. When economic times are hard leaders are tempted to reduce the budget and the vision. NO! Increase the vision and money will follow. Never forget - God is always at work and vision is free!

3. Make It Fit On A Napkin
If it can’t be explained on a napkin it is too complicated. Make sure everything from your slogan, to your process for disciple-making to how you will create a movement can be explained on a napkin. If is simple and reproducible you can mobilize the masses.

4. Lead With A “Yes” And Ask “How” Later
If you want to lead in bringing about innovation learn to lead with a “yes” and not “how”. People are born with dreams from God and they want to make a difference. What they need most is a leader who will say “yes” when they ask for permission to give it a try.

5. Take Risks On Emerging Leaders & Artists
Resist the urge of telling young leaders to wait a few years; they need and deserve opportunities to lead, so take a risk on them now! Good art always involves risk; so if you want good art in your church you must take risks on your artists!

As a pastor, have you learned more important lessons? Click "comments" below and share them.

[By Dave Ferguson]

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