Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Wall Or A Door?

[From Pastor Steven Furtick by sf]

When you face an enemy, obstacle, or setback, you can either see it as a wall or a door.If you perceive your adversity or adversary (whatever the case may be) the first way, you’re finished. The dream is dead. You’ve hit the proverbial wall, and you can go no further. When you see the challenge as a door, it’s a really different story altogether.

Israel had never heard of David until he stood toe to toe with Goliath. To the rest of Israel, Goliath appeared to be a 9 foot wall. For forty days, they stared at the wall and hoped it would go away.David saw things differently. Where others saw a wall, David saw a door. And because he ventured through the threshold, God gave him access to a whole new level of favor and opportunity.

Your dilemma doesn’t have to stop you dead in your tracks.It can become the gateway to another dimension of God’s activity in your life…If you’re willing to walk on through.

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