Thursday, March 13, 2008

How Much Should A Minister Sacrifice?

[From Guest Blog - Libby Myrin via : swerve by Craig Groeschel]

The idea of sacrifice as part of ministry has often created some uncertainty for me. As we serve Him through ministry, sacrifice is just part of the deal. But my question is to what extent should we sacrifice?

Some are obvious because the sacrifices allow us to put our complete trust in God . . .
  • We sacrifice having a larger income.
  • We sacrifice our energies and efforts.
  • We sacrifice our control.
But when does the sacrifice actually hinder our ministry . . .

  • We sacrifice our time . . . How much time with our family does that include?
  • We sacrifice our personal desires . . . At what point do we disregard our personal desires completely?
  • We sacrifice some of our gifts and passions for the sake of "the call" . . . Could we at times actually be denying His purpose for us?
For me, the sacrifice I have experienced has been life-changing. He’s broken me to build me in Him. My relationship with my Lord is deeper; my marriage is stronger; my view of myself is healthier; my friendships are more real; and my passion to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ is almost consuming. But I’m not a pastor. I don’t get calls at all hours of the day. My husband’s schedule is rather flexible. We don’t have children. We only have to support two 25-year-old lifestyles (and two pups’ ). Don’t get me wrong – the Enemy definitely likes to send his efforts my way, but . . .

I see others in ministry and the sacrifices they have made. The fathers of large families. The wives that get the kids ready, work all day, then cook and clean in the evenings. The people that give ALL of themselves to the point of crashing. How do you deal with that kind of sacrifice? How do you make those decisions as to the extent of your sacrifice?

When it comes down to it, nothing we could ever sacrifice is even partially comparable to His Sacrifice for us. Maybe that is the ultimate answer.

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